Mountain Bike Trails

Current Mountain Bike Trail Status: 

Project Background:

The 2018 Northern Lake Michigan Costal Master Plan prescribed and authorized the objective of assessing the trail system and adding purpose-built mountain bike trails in Peninsula State Park. In 2023, the Friends of Peninsula State Park raised money to hire a professional mountain bike trail planning consultant to develop a mountain bike trail system plan for Peninsula State Park. This plan was done in consultation with property staff and was given to the department in January of 2024. The friends raised over $650,000 for phase one of this project, which will result in approximately nine new miles of sustainable and desirable mountain bike trails. Phase two is expected to occur in 2025 or 2026 and will consist of the final approximately nine miles of this purpose-built trail system.
Phase 1: 9 new miles of purpose-built mountain biking trails in Peninsula State Park. This phase is fully funded ($650,000) thanks to the fundraising efforts of the Friends of Peninsula State Park organization.
Phase 2: The final 9 miles of purpose-built mountain biking trails to be completed in 2025 or 2026.
Currently, the existing off-road bicycle trails used by mountain bike riders utilize winter cross-country ski trails that are wide and generally flat, which is not desirable by the mountain bike community. There are currently no purpose-built mountain bike trails on public lands within Door County. Future trail locations will be determined by evaluating the ecological sensitive areas of the park and will follow industry design standards that utilize 18-inch to 48-inch-wide trails that meander through the forest, utilize available land with desirable topography, and are constructed to minimize erosion. This new trail system will offer a quality mountain bike trail ride for thousands of visitors and locals annually.

Trail Updates:

Mountain Bike Phase II Update (2.18.25)

Right now the Park may be a winter wonderland but our MBT team is hard at work planning for the start of the second phase of the MBT trail build. Spring is right around the next few snowflakes and when it comes we will be ready to get out in the woods and extend an already great bike riding experience.

If you wish to help make Phase II a reality, please consider donating to the MBT HERE!

The map below outlines the existing trails and shows the route of the new PHASE II MBT as it relates and interconnects with the existing trails…

Mountain Bike Phase I Completed (11.19.24)

The Friends of Peninsula State Park are excited to announce the completion of the first phase of the new mountain bike trail system.  The BLUE loop consists of 9 miles of professionally designed and built MBT features.  The trails are fresh and need to weather in a bit but they are open for riding on a limited basis.  Keep in mind that it is hunting season and riders are strongly encouraged to wear high visibility gear so they stand out on the trails.  
We are accepting donations toward the completion of phase 2 of this project.  We are anticipating raising enough funds to start trail building in summer of 2025. Follow this LINK for more information on being a contributing part of this exciting park amenity.

Mountain Bike Phase I Update (10.25.24)

On Friday October 25th the Friends of Peninsula State Park recognized Destination Door County, the Door County Community Fund and our generous donors for their contributions and forward thinking.  Grants and donations are being used by the Friends of Peninsula State Park to fund a mountain bike trail system in the Park.  No State funds will be used on this project.

Because of their generosity we are able to offer visitors to Peninsula State Park a unique recreational experience on our new mountain bike trail system.  On Friday we highlighted the now completed Blue Loop.  This first 5 miles of trail, built by Rock Solid Contracting, is laced with berms, rock gardens, drops, ruts and other features that make the experience memorable.  Soon Phase I will include nine miles of exciting MBT trails.  Eventually, the system will consist of eighteen miles of challenging and fun trail riding.  The plan is for full completion in 2026.

At the trail head Laura Bradley of Destination Door County presented Brain Fitzgerald and Bill Pennoyer of the Friends of Peninsula State Park Board and Park Superintendent Eric Hyde with a grant check for $150,000 toward funding Phase I of the project.

Mountain Bike Phase I Sneak Peak (10.14.24)

The Friends of Peninsula State Park are celebrating the first big completion milestone of our new Peninsula State Park mountain bike trail system. A few years ago, we embarked on a journey of fund-raising, planning and finally building a system of MBT trails in the Park. This exciting recreational addition will eventually total more than sixteen miles of sustainable MBT trails of varying difficulty designed for both family fun and serious tough terrain riding.

On Friday, October 25th at 2:00pm you can get a sneak peek of the project as the Friends of Peninsula State Park Board officially showcase the Phase I milestone of the build, the 4.4-mile Blue Loop. We will use this opportunity to thank our funding partners, Destination Door County, Door County Community Fund and our trail donors for their guiding vision and generous contributions. No State funds are being used for this project.

This is the first phase of a total of sixteen miles of purpose-built MTB trails that will emerge from now through 2026. With the first phase fully funded and built we are now seeking funding partners for the completion. Click HERE for donor opportunities.

We hope that you can join us! Remember meet at Lot #1 inside of the Fish Creek Park entrance at 2:00pm on Friday, October 25th. 

No Trackstanding at the Peninsula State Park’s New Mountain Bike Trail (9.10.24)

MTB riders call it trackstanding which is balancing on a bike without moving forward or backward. Phase 1 of the new Mountain Bike Trail project at Peninsula State Park is definitely not trackstanding, It is pedaling forward at race speed.

“Rock Solid Trail Contracting”, the professional MTB trail builder for the new trail, has been working since just before Labor Day and has completed over 20% of the first phase track as of this writing. The nine mile phase 1 route is scheduled to be completed yet this Fall. The plan for phase 2 is another nine miles of feature filled trails. Completion of phase 2 should be sometime in 2025 or 2026. Both phases of the new trail will be filled with rollers, rock gardens, switchbacks, drops and a lot more biking challenges for the adventurous off-road rider.

The MTB project is made possible through the dedication and foresight of our donors and grant providers. Because of their generosity the Friends of Peninsula State Park has so far raised over $650,000 to fund the project. The new MTB trail is a collaboration between the Friends of Peninsula State Park and the Wisconsin DNR. The project goal is to provide off-road bike enthusiasts a superior riding experience with a priority on ensuring an eco-friendly design. Project priority number one is protecting the environmental balance of one of our State’s most treasured recreation areas.

If you would like to donate to this project or to other Park improvement initiatives through the Friends of Peninsula State Park please visit our website HERE.