When you join the Friends of Peninsula State Park, you’re supporting our collective efforts to preserve and enhance the park and provide for its future needs. Our goal is to ensure the park remains a beautiful, ecologically healthy, and inclusive place where there’s something for everyone to enjoy. We hope you’ll join us in our efforts to preserve this one-of-a-kind park!
Memberships are valid for a full year from the date that you join. Payments may be made securely via PayPal or by using a credit or debit card. Automatic membership renewal will be made through these payment types. You may opt out of automatic renewal at any time. If you prefer, you may print, complete and mail the Friends Membership Form to us at:
Friends of Peninsula State Park
P.O. Box 502
Fish Creek, WI 54212
If you’re not ready to become a member but still want to support FPSP, please consider gifting a one-time donation instead. You can donate commemorative brick or a space on the tribute wall. Read more here.